
The University of North Carolina Asheville is a school that strives toward giving the student the best possible liberal education. Mathematics is one of the traditional liberal arts. The department does not train for particular jobs or professions but instead equips graduates with the problem- solving and analytical thinking skills necessary for a wide range of careers. There are boundless opportunities for a mathematics major when the undergraduate combines her or his mathematics background with a specialty in an applied field and more advanced graduate-level training.

Each year about one-third of the UNC Asheville mathematics graduates become teachers—about a third go on to graduate school, and about a third seek employment in industry and government. The following list gives examples of the types of professions some of our graduates have pursued.

Professions of Former UNC Asheville Mathematics Majors

Actuarial Scientist

Assistant Professor of Agronomy

Biomedical Technician/Statistician

Business Systems Manager

Computer Analyst

Computer Systems Manager

Emergency Planner

International Project Manager

Market Analyst

Product Planner

Quality Processor

Small Business Owner

Software Engineer

Systems Analyst

In the past, mathematics majors found employment in banks, computer companies, telephone or power companies, government, medicine, and the military. There is no specific training in today’s highly technological and ever-changing world, which will guarantee you a job. Many companies look for a workforce with diverse educational backgrounds and are interested in people whose expertise is mathematics.