Student Spotlights


Jasmine Narehood

Majoring in Applied Mathematics with a minor in computer science, Jasmine Narehood saidWhat first drew me to majoring in math wasn’t the math itself, but the department. The support and community formed by the teachers and students drew me to the major. I decided to choose it because I always enjoyed math and had the opportunity to learn what career opportunities there were through a conference trip with the department my second semester at UNCA.

In the summer of 2024, Jasmine (front row, far right in photo) participated in a USDA-funded Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU) summer program at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. During the program, she analyzed sequence data from Longhorned ticks to investigate their potential cause in cattle deaths on a Tennessee farm.

Similar to this program, the National Science Foundation (NSF) offers a wide range of summer undergraduate research opportunities. These programs offer students a stipend and the chance to collaborate closely with faculty and peers on research projects. Opportunities can be explored at the REU site.